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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The RX for Better Hitting

Posted by: rql () on Thu Oct 25 11:13:21 2007

> Greetings Epstein naysayers,
> Epstein does not have a heel drop drill. His drills focus on creating rotational torque and integrating other aspects of his teachings. This would be known if you had access to his instructional tape. Nowhere does Epstein tell youngsters to slam their stride heel down. As far as I know the only thing Epstein has stated about the pressure of the front stride heel is contained in this message on his site. "Two of the worst (in my opinion) cues around are: STRIDE ON EGG SHELLS AND STRIDE ON THIN ICE.
> When a hitter does this - or is instructed to do this - he keeps most of his weight over his rear leg, doesn't weight-shift and therefore never winds up launching his swing from a balanced position. Often this results in a hitter's swing plane that is much too steep, resulting in too many pop ups and being consistently late on pitches above the waist"
> Every hitter drops his front heel to swing or check his swing. There is nothing in Epstein's teachings that would slow a hitters swing down to prevent him from developing a major league swing - if he has the necessary physical and mental attributes. In fact, the torque that Epstein stresses insures that he will have the necessary rotational bat speed. To state that the swing Epstein teaches is not efficient and too slow to be of major league quality, is just flat out wrong.
> Once torque between the upper and lower body has been created the stride forward that Epstein advocates opens the front striding foot to at least 45 degrees. This action minutely begins to open up the front hip giving the hitter's hips a head start for the rest of the rotational torqued swing. Once the front heel drops the rest of the torque between the lower and upper body separation occurs resulting in a powerful yanking of the hands forward.
> Anyone who believes that this is too slow of a process has to be discounting the timing factor. When the pitcher starts coming over the top the hitter begins his stride. (see Peavynet.com) This gives the hitter time to do those things that are particular to his style.
> (See Bonds).
> How important is the heel drop? Not important enough for Epstein to waste much time on other than pointing out that it helps to create a powerful release of torque between the upper and lower body.
> If you have doubts about its contribution to the swing then imagine you are a no-strider and place your front foot flat. Keep it flat throughout your swing. How much bat speed can you generate?
> Now go ahead and stride. This time instead of your front heel coming down stay up on your toes, (whatever height you choose) without ever letting your heel come down. How much bat speed can you generate?
Geoffrey bandura I believe said it was a epstein drill,and I do not know if he has tape or not,I did not say it was an epstein drill and I do not have the tape but have heard of references to epstein and leading with the heel down.I dont think that a hitter necessarily does just what you say when striding soft on egg shells.They might do that but they also might do it when lunging,either way they should have all their weight riding against the instep of the rear foot and not over the rear leg,the lead foot is in the air so no weight can be distributed to it.Now in your thread you say the hip slightly opens then the heel comes down allowing the rest of the torque swing to snatch the hands around.This sounds like the heel must come down before the hips can turn to create separation and if you bring it down 1st as you say then you are in the same position you later speak of people trying ,which is swinging from a flat foot.The idea your saying to try swinging from a flat foot proves little in this case,reactions are caused by another action.You cant take step 2,which is heel drop reaction to a step 1 action of hip turn and think the chain of events will not be disrupted ,and when it is disrupted say that the heel must come down to allow the hips to then open,why dont we say bring your heel down hard but dont allow your hips to turn and see how much batspeed you have .Certain movements happen along the swing but reactions do not happen before its action that causes it.


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