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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fastpitch hitting -- Linear vs Rotational

Posted by: rql () on Mon Oct 29 17:23:51 2007

> A good analysis depends on a proper assessment of "go". When does a hitter commit?
> Before you mark up some clips, be sure you get that right, Jack.
> http://www.hittingillustrated.com/library/Posadasidebyside.gif
> How far do Posada's hips open before "go"?
> It is easily assessed by the comparison clip above.
> ##
> Here...
> I'll save you some time.
> Here's a good study.
> http://www.hittingillustrated.com/library/Holliday.gif
> And here is a page full of them
> http://www.recruit.hittingillustrated.com/RunningStart.htm
> No marks necessary.
> Most of these hitters hips are opening from the time they finish their negative move......long before "go". All while they "hold" the shoulders back and turn the barrel rearward at "go".
The go decision is decided before heel down,which means GO,then hip initiation then heel coming down.abort can happen after that which is what we we see with posada.


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