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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Clips - hip & shoulder rotation

Posted by: Jimmy () on Sat Nov 3 22:06:54 2007


Would you say that the force applied by the back shoulder of a hitter has a more positive effect on batspeed than the force of the front shoulder? Or the other way around?

And I guess this question is relevant to the back hip and front hip as well.

Your thoughts.


"""Tell me the highest level you played at, "Teacherman", and I'll tell you the highest level I played at."""
> Whooooooo....everyone out of the pool.
> DII college. All League Catcher 1975.
> Good for you if you played higher.
> Now, back to the topic.
> If you don't think there is a "stretch and fire" to the launch of the baseball swing you have never experienced the high level swing.
> """And once again: EXACTLY WHAT CONNECTIVE TISSUES "unwind" in your "rubber band" swing?"""
> I don't believe I ever said "connective tissues unwind". Those are your words....live with theem. They are your words with one intention.....the diversion game. Divert attention away from something that exposes your belief system.....your lack of understand of the high level swing.
> The two hemispheres wind and unwind against each other. I guess in your "genius", holding the forefinger against the thumb (as if to flick the finger) doesn't "wind" or "load" it either.
> Without the "wind" there is no suddenness. Without suddenness there is no high level swing.
> """And by the way: Reed Richards called........he wants his bat back."""
> I have no idea who Reed Richards is.


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