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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lead Elbow !

Posted by: mjb (mb6606@hotmail.com) on Sun Jun 12 20:32:29 2005

> >>> Grab a bat in your lead arm hand only. Swing one handed. Does that bat remain in the plane of the wrist cock/uncock motion and not the arm? Only at full uncock does the bat APPEAR to be on plane with the left arm. Now grab a bat with the back arm hand only. Swing one handed. Does the forearm and bat reamin on the same plane? If you are not sure place your forearm and bat on top of a flat table top.
> Are they on the same plane? <<<
> Hi Mjb
> At Frame 30 ( http://www.youthbaseballcoaching.com/mpg/Bonds01.mpeg ), where his back-elbow lowers to his side, are you saying his back-forearm is in the plane of the swing?
YES! Fanning and or bending the back elbow does not cause the right arm and bat to go off plane. Put in another way how does it then get back on plane at contact?


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