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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Weight shift and axis issues

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Sun Jun 26 19:41:28 2005

>>> Jack you say,

“You stated earlier that “the desired rotation as more around the front hip.” – If that were true, it would mean the spine would also be rotating forward around the front hip. However, the head (at the top of the spine) remains almost motionless. For the head to remain still means the shoulders must be rotating around the spine – not the front hip."

Rotation happens around the front hip. Anyone can look at the Bagwell clip and see this. The front leg action happens second to the start of rotation (backside). In this case where/when seperation is created, start of rotation.

I looked at several swings and the front hip always appears to be the rotational point for the mass. You say the spine must be rotating forward is this was true. Well they do swing the gate, mass rotates around the front hip.

I see the front hip as the rotational point for numerous reasons. <<<

Hi Shawn

I disagree. However, the readers can decide for themselves by going to the Bagwell clip (http://www.youthbaseballcoaching.com/mpg/bagwell1.mpeg). I suggest they go to Frame 14 (frame just before he starts to rotate) and place a string so that it runs down from the center of his head and out middle of his crotch. This is where his spine is.

Now, note (or mark) about where his front hip joint is. If Shawn is right and the batter does swing his back hip around a posted front hip (like a gate), his front hip joint would remain at the fixed point while his back hip swings around to line up with the mark --- If the batter is rotating around the spine, the front hip will rotate rearward to the string (inline with the spine). You be the judge.

Note: When I was charting swings for my study, I taped a sheet of clear plastic over the screen and used a grease pencil to mark the trajectories of the axis and limbs. For this one test, the string should suffice.

Jack Mankin


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