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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: outside pitching

Posted by: Shawn () on Sat Dec 8 08:56:51 2001

>>> I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that you buy into Epstein's "pinball" theory, which is that you swing exactly the same way on an outside pitch as you do an inside pitch, the only difference being where the ball is contacted. <<<
> > >
> > > Hi HitMan
> > >
> > > From what I wrote above, I would think that it would be evident to most readers that I do not agree with “Epstein's "pinball" theory.”
> > >
> > > Jack Mankin
> >
> > Tom's speculation:I think this goes along with Jack's comment last month that timing is more important than ball placement in determining the contact point.For the outside pitch,torso acceleration is slightly delayed relative to the inside location allowing top hand torque to swing the bathead out a little farther before the hips transfer momentum to the torso.This creates a higher load so that torso rotation then proceeds more slowly for the outside location.There is less torso turn by the time of contact.During this relatively limited torso turn the efficient transfer of torso energy requires the hands to torque the bathead near extension quickly then allow some casting of the lead arm prior to contact.The casting of the lead arm rapidly depletes the torso of energy(torso stops)so it is important to make contact before deceleration occurs.Timing would ideally create contact with the sweetspot perpendicular to the pitch.Slight "mistiming" either way would keep the ball in play.
> >
> > Just waiting for the ball to get deep would theoretically give less batspeed with slightly late contact going foul.
> > >
> It has to do with optimum bat angle at contact and to a certain extent optimum bat angle takes precedence over maximum bat speed.

Hi Guys,

It completely depends on the hitter. You 'can' rotate very well and hit the outside pitch. One player was discussing how she try's to hit the outside pitch and it involved blocking the front side and extension. This discussion came about when I mentioned Edgar needed to get off his frontside, and I said he wasn't using his lowerbody on the outside pitch.

When I showed her that you can increase and decrease your hip/shoulder displacement for pitch location, she looked very confused. This player is forever an arms and hands hitter, with major problems during launch. The blocking technique has given her a poor visualization on releasing later or staying back, no feel for what's inbetween her feet and her hands. Thankfully I do not work with this hitter.

How much casting is involved? (perpendicular to balls flight) or more THT. THT (early acceleration) will allow the ball to get deeper, as long as it's early torque. I call it casting, because the hand path does get wider and farther away from the body.

Another player (good hitter) worked on the outside pitch to much last off-season. She was driving the ball to Right and center and forgot how to turn on the inside pitch early in the season. Smoked everything middle/out.

We are what we practice, and that practice (drills, etc.) changes your mechanics (and timing for better or worse).


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