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Posted by: ray porco () on Wed Dec 12 18:52:49 2001

please read post, by me, on Sat Dec 8 09:05:10 2001. would really want to know what you think.
> > >
> > > Sat Dec 8 09:05:10 2001
> > > >> > "squashing the bug" can be interpreted by different people, many different ways. as a general rule i don't advocate the seemingly physical translation of what the term seemingly implies. therefore, an answer by me would just muddy the water. sorry for the cop-out, but if you better define what you mean (in physical terms) by "squashing the bug"?
> > >
> > > but, your question has generated the most interesting discussion here, in a long time.
> > > if i may, tom, with apologies to you, ask a question of all recent posters to this thread (yourself, batman, jack, tom.guerry).
> > >
> > > assumptions:
> > > rh pitcher
> > > rh batter
> > > normal stance (not up nor back, nor in nor out)
> > > fastball with no movement, belt high
> > >
> > > question:
> > > two pitches thrown - one over the center of the plate and one on the outside corner.
> > > where do you feel the optimum contact point for either pitch is, in relation to home plate?
> > > i should have said rh rotational batter and hi shawn, i would like to hear your answer to the above question as well. ray porco <<<
> > >
> > > Hi Ray
> > >
> > > First, I would need the answers to more assumptions
> > > „« How many outs?
> > > „« How many on base?
> > > „« Hitting behind the runner or need a fly ball?
> > > „« How fast am I?
> > > „« How deep is the third baseman playing?
> > > „« How much power do I have?
> > > „« How long is my stride?
> > > „« Etc.
> > >
> > > Ray, normally I would have a batter practice making contact when the bat becomes perpendicular for most pitch placements. But there will be times (being jammed with a pitch for one) when this is not the best choice. --- Contact is made about even with the lead-knee.
> > >
> > > Jack Mankin
> > > Jack, I respect the work you have done and I acknowledge your knowledge of hitting, although I do believe there are some flaws in your theory of hitting outside pitches. That being said, with all due respect I think your response to Ray is a complete, total cop-out. Many on your site, including yourself routinely make generalizations on hitting without asking the same questions you just asked Ray (how many outs, etc).
> >
> > Why is it that when someone asks for specific clarification on a subject matter the issue is evaded ?
> Ray, did Jack answer your question to your satisfaction?


no outs
no one on
need extra base hit
10 feet behind the bag
6 inches
what else?

chill batman.
i admire your zealous quest for the grail. can't do it all in one or two posts. you ask the right damn questions, just be a little more patient and a little more persistent. after all, jack does get asked questions, just about everyday.

in answer to your question - no, not to my satisfaction. it is extremely rare (on this discussion board) that we discuss situational hitting - and even rarer for jack to teach it (hitting behind the runner for example). rql's the only guy, i know, that ever does. but, having "...a batter practice making contact when the bat becomes perpendicular for most pitch placements." is what i get for not being clear or specific enough. i plan on doing a better job by creating a model this weekend. a "dart board" (again) for anyone to throw darts at.

i see similarities between yourself and me in the way you assimilate, process, theorize, prove. man, if i'm anything else, i'm a realist, not an idealist.
so, another "dart board" and i hope you all have darts. last time ("searching for a definition" ray porco thu may 3 19:04:32 2001) had only one guy (major dan) with enough balls to throw darts. sorry, two guys (grc had a take in a subsequent post).
maybe one of us will throw a bull's-eye.

yours in baseball,
ray porco


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