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Re: About the Arrow

Posted by: Simply Amazed (ajjdad@hotmail.com) on Tue Jun 12 11:37:55 2007

Are you guys serious!!?? Linear versus rotational, concomitant(what the heck does that mean?)A thrown ball displays a propensity to gyrate??!! The swing IS rotational..PERIOD..thats it. The hands, arms, shoulders, rotate around an axis.Just look at siwngs from 50 plus years ago, it's right there in front of you. There's no more to the story here guys..whew!! Is there some forward movement,or if you want, use the word linear for the sake of using a buzz word, before the front leg blocks out..yeh but, you're disecting a baseball swing that was used many , many , years ago, that resembles the splitting of an atom.


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