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Re: Re: back yard pitching machines

Posted by: Bob () on Wed Jul 25 07:51:44 2007

> > I was looking for something my 10 yo could take BP with in the back yard and found two pitching machines that throw miniture whiffle balls. Each (The Personal Pitcher and The Crusher) look pretty identical and made with a lot of plastic and small motors. Anyone have any experiences with either machine? They look like a great idea but I am concerned the machines may not last very long.
I'm in year 2 with the personal pitcher and I find it to be great for my needs. Easy to use and set up, doesn't take up much space, etc. The only drawback with using it outside as I do is that the whiffle balls are affected by the wind and sometimes it's too windy.

My 12 and 7 y.o. girls enjoy using it and I like to try it myself from time to time. I wish I had a big enough space to use it indoors, it would be used all year.


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