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Re: Top hand torque.

Posted by: Paul () on Tue May 3 13:37:11 2011

> As I read in the increase in bat statistics section on this website,
> 21 players in 1993(?) used this mechanics to initiate their swing and
> they all dominated in stats. I was curious to know, how it is you can
> tell if someone is pulling their top hand back to initiate the swing
> from watching video only? I do understand what it is you mean, as
> I've been working on rotational mechanics for about a year now, but
> I've only once consciously tried creating torque by pulling with the
> top hand, and instead it lead to an increased number of, "You're
> dropping your hands" remarks. This very well could of been just a
> result of my own misunderstanding of how to initiate my swing this
> way, so I'd like to give it another try. Is this something that you
> either have or you don't, or is it something I can try to do to
> initiate my swing with?
> What can I do when I take swings to try and create this THT, and also,
> what do I watch for when watching video of a swing to try and see THT.

THT creates a larger bat deflection than hitters who do not use THT. THT causes rolling of the back forearm. THT should be initiated with the back forearm, not the back hand. You won't feel it, but you will hear a deep "woosh" sound.


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