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Re: One-handed vs two-handed finishes

Posted by: willyboy () on Wed Aug 17 12:26:20 2011

> I prefer the one-handed finish to two because I feel like the former allows you to stay true on the pitch plane in all cases, versus the latter can force your front elbow to collapse, thus taking you off of the pitch plane under certain circumstances. My kid bats righty naturally, and I just taught him to hit lefty. I told him to finish with two hands on lefty for now while he's building stability in the swing, but I really hate the way that elbow folds down. What do you guys think?
> Righty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pou-NN5D_Js
> Lefty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1hGbS0o_Ck

SR Chris,

I think the reason he is breaking down, in your opinion, is because he is not completing his hip rotation. If he continues his rotation, he will have no trouble finishing his swing. He will generate much more power and he will probably never want to go back to the one handed finish.

Good luck. Looks like you have the set up!


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