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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Opening up

Posted by: Graylon (g_dunc@hotmail.com) on Mon Oct 8 22:58:28 2007

> >>> I had a conversation with Teacherman via e-mail, I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning that, and he told me something that made sense. The shoulders tilting rearward creates a stretch and then release. This stretch and release creates early bat speed.(Teacherman if I am wrong please correct me, what you had to say makes sense) <<<
> Hi Graylon
> Welcome to the site. – I think it is an indisputable fact that this site was first in discussing the importance of early bat speed and the mechanics that generates the rearward acceleration of the bat-head. For batters that cock the bat forward toward the pitcher, some of the early bat speed occurs prior to shoulder rotation as the bat-head is accelerated rearward to the normal launch position. I refer to this mechanics as PLT (Pre-launch Torque – Defined in 1993).
> Also in 1993, I defined the mechanic (THT) that continued the generation of early bat speed as the elbow lowered and shoulder rotation was being initiated (swing launched). It is interesting to note that as late as 2004, Teacherman denied the existence of “handle torque” and claimed there was no special mechanic that caused the bat-head to accelerate rearward.
> He claimed that the rearward acceleration occurred naturally with shoulder rotation. Here is his exact 2004 quote: “Get in your stance, cock the bat over your head toward the pitcher, do not apply tht, slot the elbow and rotate. What happens to the bat head?” – I tried to show him that much of the rearward acceleration occurred ‘before’ shoulder rotation started (PLT) – he would not buy it.
> Then, in 2006, he decided there actually was a special mechanic that generated the rearward acceleration and called it “The Second Engine.” -- So, in 2004 he claims handle torque is nonexistent and rotation is everything. In 2007, he says handle torque is huge and rotation is harmful.
> Graylon, regardless if a batter has good early bat speed mechanics or not, the batter should keep his hands back and allow shoulder rotation to rotate the hands in a circular path.
> Jack Mankin


I'm not saying that I agree with everything that Teacherman says but what I heard about lateral tilt made sense to me and I don't believe that he took credit for "inventing it". I do teach shoulder rotation but not to the extent of it powering the whole swing. I teach it more as a completion of the swing. The shoulders will rotate more for an inside pitch and less for an outside pitch. What I have came across with teaching shoulder rotation as a power mechanic, I would get kids who would pull off of the ball or would let their hands drag causing barrel drag.

Jack, I read a lot of different things on this sight and I think that it is a good forum to discuss hitting. I, also agree with most of your teachings. I think that it is hard to describe hitting with the written word. For example shoulder rotation. I know that your shoulders have to rotate and if pushed on the issue I believe that Teacherman would have to agree that your shoulders rotate in the swing. I think the question is when? and to what extent? Telling someone that your shoulders rotate and the hands follow the rotating shoulders can be taken in different ways. Your shoulders have to tilt laterally, to assist in rearward acceleration, to get on the same plain as the ball and to create that stretch. I fell it is at this point when the shoulders start there rotation on this lateral tilt, less for a high pitch and more for a low pitch. I also agree that your hands do travel in a CHP and go to the ball on that CHP.

Please trust me, the things I write are not written to create an argument with you. I own your DVD and try to implement what you teach, along with what I have learned from other valued resources and trial and error. I look forward to any and all information that I get from you.



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