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Re: kids and mechanics

Posted by: mountainman () on Sat Nov 15 18:58:44 2003

Guys..just how much do you think an 8 and 6 year old can understand about swing mechanics. Both of my sons play on travel ball/all-star teams and go to a hitting coach once a week, but usually stare with glossed over eyes when either i or their instructor tries to explain hip rotation, etc..it seems to boil down to step, squish, and swing is what they are able to comprehend best at the moment. Do you consider their ages to be too young to be putting this much information into their heads? Should the philosophy be more of the "see the ball, hit the ball" mentality?. The lessons have made a difference in both of their mechanics, however, how much of that is just a natural development from playing so many games is the real issue here. Too young? or keep with the hitting instructor, what do you guys think?..thanks for the input...Mark...

A really good instructor will not only teach the mechanics, but will instill the love of the game into your sons through constant praise and by displaying genuine excitement when they do something correctly and gentle understanding and patience when they don't. The instructor knows he has done his job when the parents tell of their child going through the house swinging an imaginery bat. I took my 8 year old grandson to the orthodontist a couple months ago and he entertained a waiting room full of people for a least 1/2 hour. He was in his own little world swinging at imaginery pitch after imaginery pitch, not even realizing he was on stage. Of course, I was pretending to read my magazine, but I was actually peeking over it enjoying the show. A good instructor is hard to find, but when you do find one and you are getting results, stick with him. Your boys will let you know if they need/want to go back, or not. They are not too young.

Phil. 4:13


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