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Re: whats quickest way to the ball

Posted by: Patrick (pmgeoeiiee@yahoo.com) on Wed Oct 13 15:53:34 2010

> hi.when many people say the quickest way to the ball is straigth .I think they mean take the hands and knob straigth to the ball.and if a batter were trying to hit the ball were the bat length is numbered the very bottom of the bat. I say this is a good idea. But even most of the staight hand path advocates would agree in order to bring the meat or fat part of the bat to the ball the bat has to be rotated at some point.so the must be saying pull the knob and hands forward for a while then rotate the bat.so why not just rotate the( bat head )right away into the ball from where the swing starts behind the head.where you can use the body rotation as the main souce of power.its not only more powerful but its the quickest way to the ball.

Yes, the quickest way to get to the ball is in with the striaght line path. Notice how careful I have use the phrase "striaght line path." Not "hand" path. There was a video that I ran into about a year ago and it was none other than T.S.W. himself talking ahout how "The quickest way to get to two spots is in a striaght line." Said it right there in the interview. Now being of this generation, my head is all screwed up. I still have to get rid of the thinking of this time. I've watched this video about 200X and everytime I've watched it I realized it's not so much inportant of what was done is that is what was said. It shows clips of him hitting off a tee. Sure look like he's rotating into the ball. But then he says,"Do I look Inside out? Do I try to hit the ball inside out? Or do I look outside in and try to hit the ball that way?...the quickest way to get to two spots is in a striaght line!...It ain't the BIG CIRCLE OUT take you all week to do it. Bop! Hit you on the fists." The point is the man said that, yes the power is brought from the rotation of the hips into the ball. But, the energy used from the hips and shoulders is only about 80-85% or the hitter likely looses balance and control. But with the arms, wrists and hands?...100%


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