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Posted by: Jeff (kidd@islc.net) on Tue Jun 25 10:36:01 2002

Hi everyone,

Since the subject of this thread seems to have again shifted a bit toward the role of linear movement/energy in creating rotational energy, I wanted to ask a question of B.J. and Jack (I think Steve is pretty clear on the issue, but he would like to respond, by all means.)

In a thread below regarding this subject, Jack gets torqued at me (no pun intended) because he believes I have misrepresented him. Without rehashing my reply to him in its entirety, which can be read below, I'd like to re-pose a question to Jack in hopes that my point is more clearly understood.

What role, if any, does weight shift play in the ultimate creation of bat speed? I don't mean just at the time of contact. I don't mean 'is a stride necessary.' I don't mean weight shift only as it relates to creating angular displacement or angular velocity. I mean what role does it play in any way, shape or form in the swing? If ALL weight shift and/or linear movement were eliminated from the swing, what would be the ultimate effect on bat speed?

And one related question -- can it reasonably be assumed that weight shift at least implies a degree of linear forward movement of the body's center of gravity? If not, why?

Again, I ask these questions because I'm unclear about some of Jack's finer points. I must admit I was taken aback by Jack's response to me in the earlier thread. My only point was that his language seemed murky because he seemed to be describing a system whereby linear movement or energy would be converted to rotational but stopped short of saying so. There is also a vagueness in the use of the term "development." Perhaps my language in making that point was equally murky. If so, I apologize.

Again, Jack, I've enjoyed reading the posts and being allowed to throw up my opinions and questions at this site. My earlier criticism was intended as a friendly suggestion, aimed at an issue of semantics, not substance. If something got lost in the translation, again I apologize.



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