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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Boring

Posted by: Maury () on Fri Sep 6 12:55:03 2002

What is wrong here? It seems like the only extended discussion that takes place is when people are taking personal shots at each other. (and it always seems to be the same 2 or 3 people ). And any time there is any kind of serious subject matter raised, maybe 1 or 2 people respond and that's it, on to another subject! Jack says he gets over a million hits a month at this site. It would seem that with a million hits there would be a wider range of opinions being posted. I don't think I have posted here before for the above-stated reasons. Maybe I'm not the only one who feels this way.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Walt, don't you understand that there is realy only one subject allowed for discussion at this site and that is TOP HAND TORQUE. That's not the OFFICIAL rules, of course, but is understood by almost everyone that if you don't talk about TOP HAND TORQUE you will be ignored, and if you do talk about TOP HAND TORQUE in a skeptical or critical manner you will be subject to personal attacks. Since there is little left to be said on such a narrow subject matter,that's why you see so little meaningful discussion taking place. I guess I might have lasted longer than some of the other newcomers but I will no longer waste my time at this site. I am moning on and I suggest that you do the same.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > See ya Phil!
> > > > >
> > > > > Based on that last remark I see what Phil means.
> > > >
> > > > If you don't like what you read here why do stay? See ya Sal!!
> > >
> > > See what I mean, you have nothing constructive to say to fix the proble, just make smart ass remarks.
> >
> >
> > Richard, it seems like you are one of those people who is part of the problem, not the solution. Is it that you disagree that there are too many personal attacks and not enough meaningful discussion? Do you disagree that discussions seem limited to a handful of people and a handful of reponses? Come on, man, we have someone here who is voicing frustration because the site seems to be going down the toilet. Instead of you taking the attitude of "love it or leave it", you should be taking a more constructive approach in resolving the problems.
> If you would take the time to read my posts you'll find that I am a supporter of this website. What I don't like are the meaningless posts which are all too frequent. In that group I would include Phil's remarks about top hand torgue. Tht is one of Jack's main issues. Coming to this site frequently and then complaining about all the talk about tht is confusing to me. What do you expect would be talked about here? Maybe you haven't read the site or bought the materials. Jack's main issues are rotational mechanics, transfer mechanics, circular hand path, top hand torgue and bottom hand torgue to name a few. If you don't want to talk about them why do you come here? Do you go to your doctor or your plumber when your drain is clogged? I'm sure you doctor doesn't care. If you've got a question or a comment about hitting issues, submit them. Otherwise, learn to accept that there will be alot of conversation about Jack's theories on Jack's site.

Richard, you are missing the whole point. The original complaint was that (1)"It seems like the only extended discussion that takes place is when people are taking personal shots at each other. (and it always seems to be the same 2 or 3 people )." and (2) "And any time there is any kind of serious subject matter raised, maybe 1 or 2 people respond and that's it, on to another subject!"

True or not true about the personal attacks? True or not true that in general, one topic can't seem to elicit more than a handfull of responses from a handfull of people?

And yes, the focus of this site is rotational mechanics but what Phil said is true: "if you don't talk about TOP HAND TORQUE you will be ignored, and if you do talk about TOP HAND TORQUE in a skeptical or critical manner you will be subject to personal attacks." I have seen this happen time and again. There is much more to rotational mechanics than an imaginary "top hand torque" but that's all a handfull of people want to talk about. But they are not satisfied with just discussing it, they want this imaginary concept to be praised to high heaven.

Phil or whoever can speak for themselves, but I personally think that you are being overly sensitive to some constructive criticism. Again, apparently you are part of the problem, not part of the solution, in which case I think you should consider finding a new site. I think Eteamz.com or thepitchingmound.com would be a good fit for your attitude and personality.


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