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Jack - Loading Step Question

Posted by: Mike Myers (mike.myers@bellnexxia.com) on Mon Jan 27 14:00:49 2003


Is this really necessary?

I am accustomed to loading by winding my body with a loose reverse cork-screw configuration, where much of my stored rotational energy springs forth on launch.

I find a pre-launch forward step adds nothing to this powerful hitting position. In fact, it only adds to a sense of being off-balance.

Can you suggest a logical reason for the forward step prior to launch?

I've seen many Greats do it, however, I can find little logic to suggest it is optimal. If you are stepping forward, how can this possibly serve a rotational purpose? It seems, at best, linear in nature, as it can only affect hip displacement toward the pitcher prior to launch. At worst, the step is so large as to calcify hip position, and limit rotation. Many people call it a "timing" step, however, I find timing is not a problem without it.

My legs snap just before contact and supply power as required without a pre-launch step.

What am I missing here?



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